
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nellie R Stevens Holly - Plant of the Week

The Nellie R Stevens Holly is a cross between the English Holly and Chinese Holly. This Holly variety has a naturally dense pyramidal shape. The leaves on a Nellie R Stevens Holly are a glossy with a dark green color that remains intact year round and grows thickly from the ground to the top of the plant. The Nellie R Stevens Holly produces inconspicuous white flowers in the spring that will give way to an abundant amount of vivid red berries in the fall. The Nellie Stevens Holly typically grows to 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide, but in ideal conditions it can grow much larger.  Nothing will help outlast the winter like the dark green leaves of the Nellie Stevens, reminding you that spring is just around the corner.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Virginia Sweetspire - Plant of the Week

The Virginia Sweetspire typically blooms in late spring or early summer, producing small, white flowers.  The mildly fragrant flowers make a woodsy smell. However, these plants are valued more for their fall foliage than for either their blossoms’ appearance or aroma.  Undoubtedly, the outstanding feature of Virginia Sweetspires is the burgundy color of their autumn leaves.  Full exposure to sun light will ensure this shrub’s full, deep-red color in autumn, but the Sweetspire can tolerate partial shade. Virginia Sweetspire shrubs reach about 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide at maturity.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fothergilla - Plant of the Week

Blue Shadow Fothergilla major Shrub 

Fothergilla is a deciduous shrub that needs full to partial sunlight.  It has interest throughout the year and is slow to grow, reaching its peak around 5-6 feet. The Fothergilla features fragrant spring flowers, summer foliage, and brilliant color in the fall showing shades of orange, red, and yellow. It is easily grown, and does not present any challenges to maintain.